Seeing the Troll, a massive game of tug of war across the river and a successful treasure hunt on Beach day..thank goodness for great weather, campers, counselors and parents!
Seeing the Troll, a massive game of tug of war across the river and a successful treasure hunt on Beach day..thank goodness for great weather, campers, counselors and parents!
Fantastic weather + 7 boats = 54 happy campers, parents and counselors on Sequin this past week.. awesome!!
As 20 plus campers enjoy watching the movie “How to Tame your Dragon” in Brads Barn..here are a few fun shots from around camp from today!
The first day of SPSS 2011 is here! Perfect weather, a handful of kids, and fun all around. Check back soon for pictures and more updates. Basin trip this Thursday–if you have a boat we can borrow for the day, let us know!
The pictures speak for themselves!! Thanks so much to all te counselors, campers and misc additional players for the magical evening!
Another fantastic week here at the SPSS. A trip aboard a 74 foot tall ship in Portland, great tennis, sailing, arts, nature and more! Be sure to come to the play tomorrow night, Saturday, 7:00 Brads Barn!
A fantastic beach day was had yesterday as 25 plus campers strong treasure hunted,BBQed, enjoyed capture the flag, tug of war and multiple dips in the ocean! Thank you to all the counselors for making it such a great success!
45 campers/counselors/parents made it through the fantastic fog to enjoy a wonderful afternoon at Sequin!